
Twenty years ago, the idea of an English cottage garden may have seemed like a fantasy. However, with an endless array of plants and flowers available, virtually any home- gardener can achieve the backyard cottage look they desire. There are many different textures available to the home gardener, and many of them are great choices for the garden. The most important part of creating a cottage garden is the sensation of relaxation as you watch the atmosphere develop around you with the plants that you choose. This special treat is something that is so important, especially for those who are gardeners for life, but equally important is the enjoyment that comes from nurturing your beautiful flowers, plants, and shrubs.


The cottage design is the most decorated of all designs. In this very relaxed design, there is a feeling of plenty. Exotic flowers and wild plants are fully encouraged to display their beauty, without crowding the garden. The garden tries to develop a sense of balance, thicker and lending a sense of serenity to the garden. As well, an English cottage garden is one that will always attract birds of the woods to the home, and little children as well. This is one area of the design where there is a lot of decoration, even when it comes to the flowers that are in the flower beds, and the nicest of all is the material that is used in this design, because materials such as clay and stone, which is somewhat electric, are strongly recommended as opposed to plastic.

There is also a great deal to be said for the fact that warmer colors such as lemon, light blue, and rose are the best choices to develop a cottage garden. All these colors can create a strong impression, but if the family is not particularly into the tropical look, classic English cottage garden designs, with its pastel colors, are simply out of the question.

One of the features of a well-designed garden is that not only do the flowers and shrubs controlled, but the rest of the garden is controlled in the same way. Large stones set around the garden are used effectively to separate the various parts of the landscaped area. From this point, things such as terraced paths, terraced flower beds, and trellises covered with climbing plants are lined up.

Such a design lends itself perfectly to the country cottage look and it most likely won’t fit in well with a home with a city apartment. This is it is one of the favorite cottage garden designs.